Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Quotes have a strange way of galvanizing people short on motivation.So,it should come as no surprise that I too have a few quotes on my desktop.These inspire me when I am in the dumps and offer me fresh perspectives when I am confused about the ways of life.
So without much ado I present to you my current favourites.

"To be a winner,think like a winner.Be positive and never stop."
-Donald Trump

"I do not want my house to be walled in on sids and my windows to be stuffed.I want the cultures of all lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible.But I refuse to be blown off my feet by any."

Monday, September 10, 2007

Headed for a CATastrophe....

November 18,2007-the day of the Common Admission Test(CAT)- is a disaster waiting to happen for me.Don't believe me? A look at my performances in the past few mock-CATS should put to rest all your doubts.And no,I am not being my usual despondent self as some of you would like to believe.I am being plain honest.The way I am going, getting into even a decent B-School will be quite a task.
Matters weren't always this bleak though.Till a month or so back,my CAT preparation was right on track.I was getting decent scores, was clearing most cut-offs and was in a position where I could claim with reasonable confidence that I had no real weaknesses or strengths when it came to sections in the CAT.
But,that was then and this is now.Over the past month or so,my preparations have well and truly derailed.And for me,this isn't similar to the frequent ups and downs every serious CAT-taker experiences.I have got stuck in a rut, a rut that I am finding difficult to get out of.I have begun to dread Quant,previously a strength,my DI scores are never enough and Verbal as always is on shaky ground.Getting back to the basics,analyzing papers and writing more and more mock cats,hasn't helped matters.
So what's the end result of all this?My confidence has been shaken to the extent that I am beginning to dread those books,those mock CATS and those workshops.Increasingly,I am beginning to sound and feel like a failure.The fact is,I have lost whatever little self-belief I had thus leaving me with little doubt that if things stay the way they are,I will get sucked into the vortex of failure that can ground my career and ambitions for good....:(